Review and signoff product marketing information

Sell & distribute | SD011

This activity is about reviewing and signing off product marketing information. This includes carrying out assessment of product marketing information to ensure compliance with technical data.
Culture & behaviour
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Effective working behaviours

You must:

  • Work within limits of own capability and know when to seek advice from others
  • Manage own time effectively
  • Work effectively individually and as part of a team
  • Communicate effectively
  • Undertake personal development activities to maintain currency of competence
Culture & behaviour
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Sales & distribution behaviours

You must:

  • Challenge unsafe behaviours and activities, and report where necessary
  • Work in accordance with quality requirements and challenge where they are not being met
  • Act ethically to ensure safe outcomes
Culture & behaviour
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Leadership behaviours for sales & distribution

You must:

  • Demonstrate effective leadership
Currency of competence
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Experience reviewing and signing off product marketing information

You must have:

  • 1 instance of review and sign-off of product marketing information, per year
Core abilities
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Core passive fire knowledge

You must:

  • Know the importance of passive fire protection in safeguarding buildings and people
  • To include: compartmentation; how PFP impedes fire to protect structures and people.
  • Know suitable vocabulary to discuss passive fire protection products
Core abilities
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Core principles for passive fire protection information

You must:

  • Know organisational procedures for version control of documentation
  • Know the importance of not using misleading or ambiguous wording or imagery
  • Know the importance of using plain language and minimising the use of industry terminology, abbreviations or acronyms to ensure wider understanding
Core abilities
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Principles of creating product marketing information

You must:

  • Know organisational processes for consultation on product marketing information
  • Know organisational processes for creating product marketing information
  • Understand the importance of ensuring that any technical product details included in marketing information have been confirmed by a competent person
  • Know the organisational processes required for signoff of marketing information
Specific abilities
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Reviewing and signing off product marketing information

You must be able to:

  • Review product marketing information to ensure accuracy of content and impression
  • Ensure that technical information included in product marketing information has been reviewed and confirmed by a competent person
  • Obtain clarification of any issues identified within the information under review
  • Ensure that correct version control and audit trail processes have been applied
  • Ensure that organisational procedures for consultation on information created have been carried out
  • Follow organisational processes to request amendments or updates
  • Follow final sign-off processes and ensure that an audit trail is kept
Specific abilities
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Limits of responsibility for reviewing and signing off marketing material

You must:

  • Know the limits of your authority with regards to the creation, approval and circulation of product marketing information
This is a newly defined activity profile. If you have any comments, please get in touch.