Answer complex product queries in relation to fire resisting ducts and dampers

Sell & distribute | SD005

This activity is about answering complex queries regarding fire resisting ducts and dampers. Complex queries are considered to be those where the information required to answer them is not available through product websites or data sheets and other information e.g. details of classification and 3rd party certification needs to be used. This might include explaining interfaces between products, and providing advice and guidance on which products are suitable for which applications, considering environment, lifetime and services & compartmentation design.
Culture & behaviour
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Effective working behaviours

You must:

  • Work within limits of own capability and know when to seek advice from others
  • Manage own time effectively
  • Work effectively individually and as part of a team
  • Communicate effectively
  • Undertake personal development activities to maintain currency of competence
Culture & behaviour
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Sales & distribution behaviours

You must:

  • Challenge unsafe behaviours and activities, and report where necessary
  • Work in accordance with quality requirements and challenge where they are not being met
  • Act ethically to ensure safe outcomes
Culture & behaviour
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Leadership behaviours for sales & distribution

You must:

  • Demonstrate effective leadership
Currency of competence
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Experience answering complex product queries on fire resisting ducts and dampers

You must have:

  • 5 instances of answering complex product queries relating to fire resisting ducts and dampers, per year
Core abilities
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Core passive fire knowledge

You must:

  • Know the importance of passive fire protection in safeguarding buildings and people
  • To include: compartmentation; how PFP impedes fire to protect structures and people.
  • Know suitable vocabulary to discuss passive fire protection products
Core abilities
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Using product testing information

You must:

  • Understand how information on system performance can contribute to product selection
  • To include: third party certification, fire test evidence, classification
  • Know how to match products with customer requirements according to accepted / certified use
Core abilities
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Limits of responsibility

You must:

  • Know that you can make a construction product choice, substitution or recommendation, based on published product information
Specific abilities
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Finding and interpreting information on fire resistant ducts and dampers

You must:

  • Know types of damper and where to find information on their mechanism of operation and use
  • Including: differences between fire resisting dampers and smoke control dampers, including fire resisting dampers with smoke leakage performance
  • Know types of fire resisting ductwork and methods used to maintain compartmentation where passing through compartment walls
  • Know where to find detailed information on passive fire protection products, relating to fire resisting ducts and dampers
  • Know how to interpret detailed information on passive fire protection products used for fire resisting ducts and dampers
  • To include: Characteristics, quality, uses, limitations; Different protection methods as detailed in both grey and blue books; Damper types as laid out in the ASFP grey book
  • Know where to find information on firestopping of fire resisting ductwork and dampers and how to interpret that information
  • As laid out in the ASFP blue and grey books
  • Know organisational processes for highlighting and resolving inaccurate or incomplete product information and why it is important that they are followed
  • Know the impact of getting information wrong
Specific abilities
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Collect information on customer requirements

You must:

  • Know the organisational processes for escalating queries and why it is important that they are followed
  • Understand that queries should be escalated when product don't appear to match stated use cases or performance

You must be able to:

  • Question customers to clarify their needs
  • Collate information on customer requirements
  • To include: where and how the product is to be used, the type of building that the product is to be used in, the environment that the product is to be used in, required performance characteristics
  • Escalate queries where customer requirements cannot be met through existing, published product information
  • Record information according to organisational processes
Specific abilities
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Answer complex product queries relating to fire resisting ducts & dampers

You must be able to:

  • Locate product information for fire resisting ducts and dampers and interpret against customer requirements
  • Make recommendations for fire resisting ducts and dampers to meet customer requirements, based upon stated product performance
This is a newly defined activity profile. If you have any comments, please get in touch.